After having analyzed human cells, it was believed that there was more than DNA in it. It all started with a photographic proof that depicted the true existence of God, especially within each individual’s body. How was this secret exposed? Why has it not been prevalent until now? What is the Foundation of the God's Fingerprints Secrets of Underground Medicine? It claims to treat incurable diseases, increase energy levels and joint health, promote weight loss and many more. The God's Fingerprints is a 330-paged book that educates consumers on ways to achieve a healthy life while potentially expanding one’s lifespan. What is the God's Fingerprints Secrets of Underground Medicine? The following review will look closely at the Secrets of Underground Medicine in terms of its purpose, its usefulness and what it includes. The Secrets of Underground Medicine claims that consumers can enjoy a long and healthy life free from the different types of cancers, mental illnesses, Alzheimer’s, and other chronic pains that can potentially reduce the chances of living. With that being said, why are humans placed in a situation where diseases and incurable illnesses take away life? Was this the plan all along? The answer, believe it or not is no. He is transcendent above all His works even while He is immanent within them.” Even with His presence in all forms of living, was the intention to destroy it? Humans are one of His greatest creations, as they stem in different shapes and sizes, while fulfilling purposes that He himself cannot achieve alone.

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